Saturday, May 7, 2011


Morels.  Hopefully.  Don't want to wind up like this guy.  Still trying to identify that one up there.  Kinda looks like a verpa bohemica (scroll down), i.e a false morel, but the inside is different--either way, this one isn't deadly.
A Grey or Black I think.
And a Spike or Half Free.  Again, I think.

A book, a botanically aware friend, and this webpage have all been very helpful, but there's a bit more research to be done, especially for the top and bottom ones.

Also in the woods were ramps (get them while you can), flowering trilliums, jewel weed, mustards, spring beauties, and an owl.  Spring in NE Ohio.

P.S. If you know any of those pictured mushrooms to be poisonous please let me know ASAP.  TIA.

* Upon consulting with this expert, the top and bottom ones are both Half Frees at different maturities, and the middle one is a young Yellow.  Sweet.


  1. Lucky dog. I suggest taking them to Tom or Wendy from Killbuck Valley Mushrooms to identify. They are more than happy to help out and are extremely knowledgeable. They'll be at both the Shaker and Crocker farmer markets Saturday morning. Enjoy!

  2. We're on the same page Dave. Tom confirmed that all was good this a.m. Now howabout a post?

  3. My mom gave me dried morels for Christmas, but I've never tried a fresh one. I asked Tom if he ever got them in last summer, but he said he didn't. The dried have been pretty good, but I'd still like to try fresh sometime.

    I think Dyad's Saddle grows on tree stumps in my back yard--it had the supposedly typical watermelon smell--but Sarah was too nervous to want any, so I eventually tossed them. I never thought of bringing one in for Tom to look at, which I will if I see any this year.

  4. Tom was really helpful.

    Dried morels are great--some people prefer them.

  5. lucky you to find some - I have yet to find any of these beauties
