Friday, October 29, 2010

Standard Fish Prep

Lake Erie perch with a parsley/caper/butter/lemon sauce. Over cauliflower posing as couscous. By far one of my favorite ways to eat fish.

The perch was seasoned with salt and pepper, lightly dredged in flour, and quickly sauteed in olive oil. A quick wipe of the pan, and in went some butter. Once the butter just started to brown the capers and parsley got tossed in. The capers popped, the parsley kind of fried. Once off the heat some lemon juice was squeezed in. The universe was right.

Served with some "cauliflower couscous." I certainly didn't invent the treatment, but I get it. Some shallot softened in butter while the cauliflower got buzzed in the food processor. Then the chopped up cauliflower joined the shallot to warm through. I really didn't need too much cooking. Some salt, pepper, and olive oil and this was really just a better version of the ubiquitous little balls of pasta. At the very least a really pleasant alternative.

I really liked this. Clean perch flavor, buttery citrus, nice caper and herb flavor, all over a veg that was happy to compliment anything placed on top of it.

Fish from Kate's, shallot from Muddy Fork, parsley from FarmShare, cauliflower picked up at NUFM at Shaker.

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