Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eating and cooking with family . . .

and some work travel too has led to some skimpy posting. Hopefully that will be sorted out this evening. For a little preview, the work trip included visits to Zingerman's Roadhouse and Bell's Brewery's Eccentric Cafe. I'm normally tied to Ohio and Michigan for work trips. It hasn't been a problem.

As for the family eating, there's not much to the sweet potatoes above, so here's our nutless and honey free charoset recipe, bastardized from a recipe my sister found somewhere:

- Apples, diced finely (we peeled ours and added a drop of lemon juice so they didn't brown)
- Cinnamon, ground
- Sugar (we used regular granulated sugar)
- Wine or grape juice (we used a little of each)

- Mix diced apples with cinnamon and sugar to taste
- Macerate apple mixture in wine/grape juice for a few hours in the fridge (The alcohol in the wine helps--pure grape juice won't be the same.)
- Drain excess liquid and serve

It was good charoset (haroset), but I don't think honey or nuts would have hurt. They just weren't in the cupboard (if you can't tell from the picture, it wasn't, sadly, my kitchen).


Anonymous said...

cute :-)

Nancy Heller said...

What a great blog!

Are you a transplant from another city, as I am? I've grown to love Cleveland, for some of the reasons you articulate in your blog - we have wonderful opportunities to play with our food here!

The CFT said...

I agree with you, and yes, I'm from out of town. Born and raised in New Jersey (central), then a quick stint in the Pacific Northwest, and now I'm here. I like your blog too, and I'm sure we'll run into each other as I think we've been to many of the same food events.