Saturday, August 30, 2008


Eggs over easy, melon balls, toast, and bacon, not necessarily in that order.

It's not often I get to use the melon baller. I got the tool to easily remove seeds from apples and pears, so this kind of thing is just a bonus. Melon was on the brain after being treated to a wonderful melon/honey/olive oil cake dish at Bar Cento along with Maybelle's Parents. It reminded me of a super rich bread pudding, but was very different. The unexpected, but welcome, run-in with the Parents reminded me that there are advantages of being in smaller city, particularly this one. There are more than enough decent places to eat to stave off boredom, but the universe is small enough that there's always a good chance that you can wander into a place and find some good company and people that really enjoy good food.

The bacon is part of my quest to find the best bacon in the area. This stuff was from a processor in Fredericktown, OH. They use Ohio pigs. It was very good and toothsome, but a little pork steaky for my tastes. Maybe it was just the thick cut? For me, I've yet to have anything here or elsewhere that rivals the bacon from Country Gristmill (available at the Shaker Farmers Market, summer and winter). It's takes some attention during cooking, but I think the results are worth it. I'll admit though, that despite my love of smoking and things smoked I've yet to dabble with the ubiquitous trend of making bacon at home. It's bound to happen, but getting a happy pig's belly around here isn't as easy as it should be. It'll happen soon enough.

The eggs, as always, are from Plum Creek. Unless I get a few chicken of my own, there's no other choice for me. The butter for frying them and for the toast is raw milk butter from a cow-share I participate in.

A decent start for a day that should be filled with crating things for my imminent move. If you read this blog and are sick of hearing about it, I assure you I am sicker of mentioning it and am more than ready to move to my mini-orchard in the shadow of Franklin Avenue. Hopefully the next entry will be typed from there.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

More quick snacks

Vegan red pepper pasta from Ohio City Pasta, Sungold, Yellow Pear, and small Roma tomatoes sauteed in olive oil, and basil. A bowl of summer.
Romanian made Polish food. Pierogies and red onions sauteed together in butter. The cheddar cheese/potato pierogies were from a Romanian-run stand at the Shaker Farmers Market, the onions from Blissful Acres, also at the Market. With a Polish grandmother married to my Romanian grandfather, it's not shocking that these have become my go-to snack.

Friday, August 22, 2008

More ground veal

Couldn't have been much simpler:

- Rendered some diced pancetta
- Cooked down some diced onions in the pancetta fat
- Added some diced carrots along with a bit of olive oil to keep things slick
- In went leftover fortified veal from two posts ago
- Once the veal was cooked I added diced tomato and leftover tomato juice (same old post)
- Into that went just a bit of cream and it was all left to cook down and be seasoned
- While that was going I made pasta (some of the pasta water was added to the sauce)
- The pasta went into the sauce along with some torn basil, and that was it

It was very good, but I'd like to try the sauce with some long simmered to make it a bit more velvety. I had been worried about the diced parmesan in the veal mixture and the cooking. It was not a problem, and added a nice background for the sauce. It also eliminated the need for grated cheese.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks for the votes in the poll. With those in mind I gave posting on a try. Recipe for Provencal style Snapper here.

Not much of a first post for me over there. No real narrative or anything like that. But, we'll see what happens.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Borrowing ideas

Banana pepper stuffed with veal, parsley, pine nuts, parmesan, garlic, salt, and pepper with a thin tomato sauce. Corn (off the bone to all you Cento frequenters), and toasted bread heels (for all those who are looking forward to The Greenhouse Tavern and have peeked at the posted menu).

Stuffed peppers. These took a few minutes to make, but I think it was worth it. First I roasted the peppers over an open gas flame to get the skin all charred and blistered (there are ways to do this sans gas). Then the charred peppers went into a bowl, which was covered with plastic wrap, and left to sit for a while. While the peppers were steaming from their own heat under the plastic, I chopped up some parsley, pine nuts (didn't even toast them first--what an amateur), and parmesan (chopped, not grated), and minced some garlic.

Once all that stuff was prepped I began removing the skin from the peppers. It's kind of relaxing, kind of tedious. After the skins were removed I cut the tops off the peppers, cut a slit along the sides, and scraped out some of the seeds and ribs. After the peppers were eviscerated I mixed all the non-pepper ingredients, along with salt and pepper, with the veal and began stuffing the peppers chile relleno style.

After the peppers were ready I got some tomato juice (leftover fluid after making a bunch of brushetta--it was basil infused) warmed up in a pan on the stove with some salt and set the oven to 425. The tomato juice had been in the fridge for a day, which was nice because I was able to skim off the water from the top and use just about pure juice for this. I placed the peppers in the juice filled pan (pictured below), and once it was simmering I placed the pan in the oven for about 10 minutes.

The banana peppers added some heat to this dish, and if one was heat adverse but still wanted something like this there are tons of options at the farmers markets. Thanks goes to Maybelle's Mom for getting stuffed vegetables on my brain. Hers were prettier.

The other stuff was simpler. The corn was super sweet, and it just took a quick saute in butter with some salt and pepper to make a really worthwhile vegetable side dish. I forgot how good corn can be. Even without the bone.

The bread was simple ends of baguettes (also part of yesterday's brushetta) that I doused in Spanish olive oil and placed in the 425 oven with the peppers (in a separate pan, of course). As noted above, I stole that idea, if it is possible to steal an idea from a restaurant that has not yet opened.

Sources: Corn and veal from Plum Creek at the Shaker Farmers Market. The bread was from the West Side Market--it was okay, but unremarkable. Olive oil from Mediterranean Imports at the WSM. Pine nuts from the West Side Food Co-op. Tomato juice, parsley, garlic, and peppers from St. Paul's patch, a small community garden on the near west side of Cleveland (I only grew the tomatoes and garlic for this one, the peppers and parsley were from other gardeners--we like to share). Raw milk butter from Stutzman Herdshare.

I'm not sure if this is 99.9% local (is that by weight?), but it was very tasty.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Subsisting on Snacks . . .

. . . quality wine dinners (hosted in part by these guys), and inexpensive happy hour food. Pictured is the snack--brie, bread, crackers, a quick bruschetta, and a little homemade smoked whitefish salad. If there were some grapes or apples this would have been fit for a king.

Also, there's a soul food festival going on in downtown Cleveland tomorrow. Not sure I'll make it though, as I got my fix late last night (this morning?) at Just Like Mom's. Rib tips for me, frog legs for the dining companion (both were very good). It was the end of a great evening of impromptu eclectic dining that had started with happy hour Asian-style cioppino at The Flying Fig. After The Fig it was puttanesca and marinara pizzas at Cento. Once those pizzas settled there was little choice but to head over to E 30th and Superior for the soul food. Not bad for school night.

And what would Freud say about that photo (besides "Get a tripod and proper lighting")?

Saturday, August 9, 2008


If harissa was the new chipotle, and it looks like vadouvan is the new harissa, what's the new vadouvan?

With my post-Montreal Merguez sausage obsession I had to seek the pictured stuff out. I thought it'd be like sriracha. I was very wrong. The first two ingredients in the can--beets and carrots. Still, it has some heat.

* In the Cleveland area this and many other Middle Eastern/North African (and in some of the stores, Indian) treats can be found around W 117 and Lorain. It's a neat neighborhood. Good Mexican groceries too.

** There was just a nice post on a recipe with the stuff here.

*** Chicken wings, dusted (?) with harissa are available in Cleveland. The end is near.

**** And here's what I did with it: Never-frozen NC shrimp from Kate's Fish, green pepper and yellow tomatoes from the garden, vegan Ohio City pasta from the West Side food buying group, and, of course, some harissa cooked with the shrimp.

Friday, August 8, 2008

New(er) Farmers Market

Thought I'd share an e-mail. I can't go to this market regularly because of other commitments, but I wish I could. It's small, but it's got heart (and it's right in my new neighborhood). Not sure about their spelling of Rutgers though (I can't help noticing it--I'm from Jersey).

Hello fellow eaters:

The bounty is increasing every week. The summer tastes we love are coming in: the sweet corn, the beans, and now the tomatoes and blackberries. You can easily build meals around the produce from the local farmers market--from breakfast to dessert, and my favorite summer snack: good bread, a bit of cheese, a slice of tomato, and a leaf of basil.

EcoVillage Produce, of Detroit-Shoreway, will have cucumbers, lettuce, mixed greens, turnip and mustard greens, banana peppers, green tomatoes, okra, onions, and assorted herbs (thyme, basil, parsley). They will also be selling goat cheese from the west side's Lake Erie Creamery.

Honey Hive and Berry Good Farm of Oberlin will have a limited supply of blackberries, so come early. They will also have several varieties of ripe TOMATOES: Romas, Ruckers (an heirloom slicing tomato), and red and yellow cherry tomatoes. They will also have their honey and honey products, tomatoes, bi-color sweet corn, beans, peppers, baked goods, and grains (rolled oats, rice, corn meal).

Hooper Farm, of Tremont, will have radishes, onions, Thai basil, and carrots. They will have assorted artisan breads, herb plants, infused oils and will be taking orders for compost for the next week.

The market still has heirloom tomato starts for sale to raise money for the market to do outreach/publicity. Also, we are still looking for folks interested in a bee-keeping class here in Cleveland.

Put more conviviality in your Saturday errands! Visit the ward 17 farmer's market.

The Ward 17 Farmer's Market is located in the parking lot of Bethany Presbyterian Church at W. 65 Street and West Clinton Street, one block south of Detroit.
Every Saturday through October, 9am-1pm.
Feed back? Please email us or talk to us at the W17FM booth on Saturday.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Homemade Cheese

Ricotta, sort of. There are tons of blog posts on the subject (here are two I particularly like) and even a New York Times article. With all the recipes floating around I just kept it simple. Half a gallon of whole milk (it was ultra pasteurized--gasp!), juice from 1 1/2 lemons, and some salt all went into a stainless steel sauce pan. I heated and stirred until the milk barely reached boiling. As for when it's time to pull it off the heat, you'll know when it's there, it's remarkably obvious. Then a quick strain though several layers of cheese cloth. When it was done draining I stirred in some more salt, thyme, and lemon zest for good measure.

This would have been a great use for the raw milk I picked up yesterday, but the cheese was destined for a noodle-free lasagna for work--I guess that's just a vegetable casserole. I'm pretty sure the co-workers don't do the raw, even though it was cooked in the cheese making process. Maybe two people would have tried it, and one won't be there. Sad, really.

As for the lasagna . . . it's enough to say I learned my lesson on the Japanese mandoline. Those things cut through squash, eggplant, and thumbs like a warm knife though butter. I'd like to say it won't happen again, but, unfortunately, I know it will.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fuss Free Food

Diced tomato (Roma and Jubilee), basil, and brie on toasted bread that had been drizzled with olive oil prior to being placed on a very hot ridged griddle. A little salt and pepper in with the tomatoes and basil and that's all it took. Could've rubbed the warm baguette slices with garlic before adding the cheese and tomatoes, it would have been nice, but why bother? Same with an extra drizzle of olive oil over the top--didn't do that either. Simple was good.

And why should the Italian's have the monopoly on cheese paired with tomato and basil? Despite their problems, the French have earned this much. Indeed, it's hard to imagine how conflicts over the past hundred years or so would have been different had France showed its artisanal spirit in them. Maybe that's what holding us warmongering types up in the food front--too busy with other stuff.

Anyway, too many questions. Perhaps the picture below will shed light on some of the answers.

The ever controversial raw milk. And The CFT, soon to be the proud owner of 1/40th of a cow.

Let's hope we don't get arrested.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Steak/Chimichurri/Mashed Potatoes/Coleslaw

It's not very pretty. Post forthcoming.